Writing Can Be Murder

March 15, 2007

PSA for Idiot Drivers

Filed under: Uncategorized — jenniferelbaum @ 3:56 pm

Dear Idiot Driver

 I am sure that no one has ever told you this, but I am going to share with you the Great Secret of Travelling.

Okay, here it is: If you miss your turn, you will eventually find a place to turn around.

What this means to you Idiot Driver is that you do not have to slam on your brakes while travelling in the left hand lane.

You do not have to cut across three lanes of traffic, just to make your turn.

You can drive PAST the street/highway exit/parking lot and turn around.

I know you think it’s going to magically disappear in the time it takes you to make your U-Turn, but I promise you, it won’t.

 Tune in tomorrow for another PSA.

Can you tell it’s been one of those weeks????


  1. I know you think it’s going to magically disappear in the time it takes you to make your U-Turn, but I promise you, it won’t.

    That made me laugh out loud. Thanks!

    Comment by Angela James — March 15, 2007 @ 7:25 pm

  2. Oh, Jen, don’t forget that in NJ, if you’re coming off a side street into the main road, Stop signs do not apply to you, they are merely there for asthetic purposes. NOT!!!!

    It literally boggles the mind when I’m traveling down Sussex Turnpike and someone comes flying off a sidestreet from one of those cul-de-sacs and don’t even tap the brakes, let alone come to a full stop. I so wish I had lights and sirens on my Jeep. And that’s another thing…I drive a bright red Jeep. It’s not like it’s going to fade into the surroundings.

    In the old parking garage where I work, people used to go the wrong way into the parking lot, though in a big sign hanging over their heads as you go into the garage is says plainly, “ONE WAY. DO NOT ENTER.” And yet, I would have to slam on brakes because someone would come around the blind spot at the end of the aisle going the wrong way and almost slam head-on into me. And then…and this is the capper…would curse ME out for their mistake. What’s up with that?

    Man, but I feel your pain. Oy.


    Comment by Kat Mancos — March 16, 2007 @ 7:24 am

  3. A — Glad I could make you laugh!

    Comment by jenniferelbaum — March 16, 2007 @ 8:01 am

  4. K – LOL, yes the best IS when they yell at you for being in their way!

    And for readers outside of NJ: Kat’s right, brake usage is spotty in NJ, as is using those thingies when you want to make a turn….what are those called again? Oh yeah, blinkers.

    Comment by jenniferelbaum — March 16, 2007 @ 8:03 am

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